Home » Understand the importance of regular follow-up with a gastroenterologist to maintain digestive health

Understand the importance of regular follow-up with a gastroenterologist to maintain digestive health

by Guilherme Sauniti


Leading a healthy life already thinking about a more stable and peaceful future has become a frequent goal for most people, especially after the coronavirus pandemic that brought us the importance of taking care of health in general.

And this care goes far beyond consultations and that old annual check-up. The care with specific areas of our body, for example, the follow-up with a gastroenterologist has gained a lot of attention in this context.

This is due to the importance that the digestive system has in the search for quality and longevity, as it is one of the most important organs of our body and directly responsible for the balance of our organism.

So, if you were curious to know a little more about gastroenterology, you are in the right place.

I will tell you how the gastroenterologist can help you achieve the goal of a healthy life.

Are you coming with me?

What is a gastroenterologist?

As we have already talked a little, the gastroenterologist is the professional specialist in the care of the digestive system, which is composed of several organs, among them: the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines to the anus.

This is a specialty of medicine that studies and focuses directly on the functioning of the entire digestive system, since it has the ability to diagnose and effectively treat all alterations in this region.

To give you an idea, when we talk about care with the gastrointestinal apparatus, we refer not only to some organs or more severe symptoms, but also to everyday situations.

Let’s get to know the main functions of this professional?

What are the functions of this professional?

Like all doctors specializing in a certain region of the body, the gastroenterologist has the main function of taking care of all alterations and problems that affect the digestive system.

This care is not only limited to a periodic consultation as many think, but goes from research and diagnosis of alterations, more targeted treatments and finally more specific intervention, such as through surgeries.

Knowing a little more about the importance of making an appointment with the gastroenterologist, do not hesitate to contact your trusted doctor, because in addition to specialized care, being in the hands of a good professional can maximize care.

When should I consult a gastroenterologist?

Visiting the doctor regularly should be as common as going to the supermarket, but we know that it is usually not like that, is it?

There are people who only seek guidance and medical care when symptoms become more frequent and when they go from mild alterations to something more serious, which should be avoided, given the ease of access to information.

Being aware of the signs of your body is the first step, especially when they are symptoms related to digestion and even quite common, such as those listed below:

  • Heartburn;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Nausea;
  • Gases;
  • Swelling in the abdominal region;
  • Constipation;
  • Reflux;
  • Feeling of burning in the stomach;
  • Vomiting;
  • Bleeding;
  • Weight loss.

On the other hand, these alterations may be the beginning of something that needs more attention, such as some of the diseases listed below:

  • Gastric cancer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gallstone;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Ulcer.

It is very important to know that some of these alterations may be something chronic due to some pre-existing pathology or hereditary history, so seeking a good professional is essential.

If you sometimes notice the presence of some of these symptoms, be aware and do not fail to make an appointment for evaluation, as this small action can be the decisive factor for a more effective treatment.

How to prepare for a consultation with a gastroenterologist?

Knowing the right time for everything in life makes a big difference and knowing how to prepare for a consultation with any doctor, especially the gastro, is essential for a good result.

To assist you in this preparation, we have listed some steps that if followed correctly, will greatly facilitate your consultation and consequently the result. Look…

Note the changes

Noting all the changes that you have noticed in your organism and in the order that they occurred can be preponderant for an early diagnosis, helping in the treatment.

Present last exams

If you have recently taken exams, be sure to take them to the consultation with the gastroenterologist. Access to this data contributes to the specialist quickly identifying the reason for the changes.

Medications used at home

Another information to be shared during the consultation is to report the medications used at home and regardless of whether they were prescribed or not. This will also assist the doctor in the diagnosis.

Finally, do not hesitate to ask questions and do not leave the office without all your doubts being clarified, ok?

Where to find a gastroenterologist?

Finding a specialized clinic and that has a gastro with excellent references should be very well considered, after all trust is the basis of everything, because we are talking about health.

You can seek references with your general practitioner, the one who regularly follows you. The indication of a closer doctor is one of the best guides when choosing the ideal gastro.

This tip does not prevent you from also seeking other options such as consulting close family and friends and doing a search on the internet that always provides very cool information.

Maintaining continuous follow-up with the gastroenterologist has become part of the lives of Brazilians, since taking care of the health of the digestive system is one of the pillars of our health.

And speaking of pillar, having access to relevant and safe information and guidance can help us a lot to effectively take care of our body and the ideal place to find all this is the Gastroblog.

Specialist in providing technical / scientific content in an uncomplicated and practical way for patients, the Gastroblog has consolidated itself in the national scenario, for being a reference when the subject is digestive system.

This is not only due to the fact of providing updated data to patients about diseases, symptoms and the best treatments, but mainly, for having highly qualified and updated professionals.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet and be part of our community. Access our website and come to our group.

We are here for you.

See you later.

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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