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The Dangers of Dehydration: Learn How to Avoid Health Issues!

by Guilherme Sauniti

Water is essential for life. Our body depends on it to function properly. However, we often neglect the importance of staying properly hydrated.

Dehydration may seem like a simple condition, but its effects can be serious and even life-threatening. Discover in this complete article how to avoid health problems by understanding the dangers of not being hydrated and how to prevent them!

The importance of staying hydrated

Our body is composed of approximately 60% water, and therefore, its role is fundamental for the proper functioning of all systems and organs. From the most basic to the most complex functions, water plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

Firstly, water is essential for regulating body temperature. When we exercise or are exposed to high temperatures, we sweat to dissipate heat from our body.

Sweating is a natural cooling mechanism, and to work efficiently, we need to be well hydrated. Water helps to keep body temperature within safe limits, preventing hyperthermia, a dangerous condition caused by overheating of the body.

Moreover, water plays a fundamental role in digestion, helping to break down food, facilitating the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Without enough water, the digestive process can be impaired, leading to problems such as constipation and indigestion.

Another vital function of water is the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of our body.

It acts as a vehicle, ensuring that vitamins, minerals, and oxygen reach where they are needed to sustain cellular functions and maintain overall health.

Water is a universal solvent, which means it is capable of dissolving a wide variety of substances. This includes toxins and metabolic waste that need to be eliminated from the body.

It aids in the filtration processes of the urinary system, ensuring the efficient removal of waste and toxins from the body.

When we do not drink enough water, our body begins to feel the effects of dehydration.

Therefore, it is essential to stay hydrated throughout the day, drinking water regularly.

We should not wait to feel thirsty to drink water, as thirst is often a sign that our body is already dehydrated.

By prioritizing adequate water intake, we are promoting the health and well-being of our entire body, ensuring its efficient functioning and preventing a range of health problems.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration

One of the first signs is dry mouth and intense thirst.

When our hydration levels are low, the salivary glands produce less saliva, resulting in a dry and sticky mouth. Intense thirst is the body’s warning mechanism to encourage us to replenish lost fluids.

Dark and strong-smelling urine is a sign that we are dehydrated, as it indicates a higher concentration of waste and toxins being eliminated by the body.

The urine of a healthy person should be clear or light yellow in color.

Dehydration can also cause fatigue and weakness, as our body is not receiving the adequate amount of fluids to sustain its functions.

Lack of water affects the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells, leading to a constant feeling of tiredness.

Dizziness and mental confusion are common symptoms, especially in more severe cases. Lack of fluids affects blood flow to the brain, resulting in disorientation, difficulty concentrating, and even memory lapses.

Other indicators include decreased urine output and dry, wrinkled skin.

When we are dehydrated, our kidneys conserve water, resulting in a decrease in the frequency and volume of urine.

The skin can also become dry and lose its elasticity, becoming more prone to wrinkles and dryness.

Health problems caused by dehydration

If not properly treated, it can trigger a variety of health problems ranging from mild to severe.

Among the problems caused are headaches. Lack of hydration can lead to a reduction in blood volume and oxygen reaching the brain, resulting in frequent and intense headaches.

Constipation is also a common symptom associated with the condition due to difficulty in passing stools, causing abdominal discomfort.

Irritability and decreased cognitive ability are frequent symptoms. Lack of water affects brain function, leading to mood changes, difficulty concentrating, and memory lapses.

Kidney stone formation can also be triggered by lack of hydration, causing intense pain and other urinary symptoms.

Urinary tract infections are also more common in dehydrated individuals. Concentrated urine due to lack of water can create an environment conducive to bacterial growth, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections.

In extreme cases, it can lead to kidney failure, a serious condition that can result in the loss of kidney function, which do not receive sufficient blood flow due to prolonged lack of hydration, leading to organ damage and compromising their ability to filter waste and toxins from the blood.

It is important to emphasize that lack of hydration can be fatal if not properly treated, especially in severe cases.

Dehydration and gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases, such as diarrhea and vomiting, are one of the main causes of dehydration worldwide.

In these conditions, the body loses large amounts of fluids and electrolytes, resulting in a hydroelectrolytic imbalance that can become dangerous if not properly treated.

Diarrhea is characterized by the frequent evacuation of liquid stools, often accompanied by abdominal cramps and gastrointestinal discomfort.

This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral or bacterial infections, food poisoning, food intolerances, and inflammatory bowel conditions.

Regardless of the cause, diarrhea can lead to rapid loss of fluids and electrolytes, increasing the risk of dehydration.

Vomiting can also result in a significant loss of body fluids, losing not only stomach contents but also essential fluids and electrolytes for the proper functioning of our organism.

It is essential to replenish these fluid and electrolyte losses when we are facing gastrointestinal diseases.

Follow a light and easily digestible diet during these periods, avoiding fatty, spicy, or very heavy foods that may further irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

In cases of severe diarrhea or vomiting, it is necessary to seek medical guidance to assess the severity of dehydration and receive appropriate treatment, which may include the administration of intravenous fluids in more severe cases.

Dehydration is a serious health problem that can affect anyone, at any age. It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms to take steps to prevent it.

Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly throughout the day, and be attentive to your health. Remember, water is life!

Image by Freepik

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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