Home » Learn More About Colectomy in the Treatment of Colon Cancer

Learn More About Colectomy in the Treatment of Colon Cancer

by Felipe Paludo Salles

Colectomy as a treatment for colon cancer is considered a major surgery as it involves the removal of part of the large intestine. Follow the main information about the procedure.

The colectomy procedure can be total or partial, where in the total, the entire colon is removed, while in the partial, only a portion of the intestine is taken out.

Colectomy: surgery for colon cancer

Colon cancer is considered common, being the second most prevalent among women and the third among men in Brazil. Colectomy, despite being invasive, is one of the most efficient and indicated treatments for this disease.

The main goal of colectomy is to remove the part of the colon affected by the tumor. However, depending on the severity of the case, other treatments, such as chemotherapy, may be administered concurrently, aiming to reduce the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

There are some situations where colectomy may not be sufficient and requires other treatments in conjunction. These include: inability to remove lymph nodes, metastasis, tumor extension greater than anticipated before surgery, colon obstruction, and perforation in the intestinal wall.

How colectomy is performed

The surgeon will perform an open or laparoscopic-assisted surgery.

  • Open colectomy: performed through a single incision made in the abdomen.
  • Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy (video laparoscopy): in this case, the surgeon makes 3 or 4 incisions and places a camera to identify the diseased part and remove the affected portion of the colon.

For this, an instrument guided by a laparoscope is used, and when the surgeon manages to free the compromised part of the colon, detaching it from the digestive system, one of the small cuts is enlarged to enable removal.

This is a surgery that requires more preparation on the part of the patient, who must ingest laxatives on the eve of the procedure. On the other hand, as the incisions are smaller, the person tends to recover faster and feel less pain postoperatively.

Side effects of colectomy

There are some possible side effects of colectomy, but they can vary according to the case, depending on factors such as the general health of the patient and the extent of the incision.

Some post-surgical complications may involve: infections, bleeding, and blood clots (in the legs). After the procedure, adhesions in tissues or organs can occur, which requires additional surgery if it is necessary to unblock the intestine.

What are the indications for colectomy?

The colectomy surgery aims to remove parts of the large intestine affected by diseases, and is indicated in situations involving:

  • Tumors;
  • Complications of Crohn’s Disease (which affects the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Complications of ulcerative colitis (inflammation that affects the intestine);
  • Complications of acute diverticulitis (inflammation of the diverticulum, located in the intestine);
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Large intestine hemorrhage when other treatments fail.

Colectomy: learn about the treatment and talk to your doctor

Colectomy is an invasive procedure that requires preparation on the part of the patient, as well as a lot of dialogue with the doctor. Through the EndoBlog, belonging to Endoscopia Terapêutica, it is possible to access the main information about colectomy, colon cancer, and what you need to know before undergoing the procedure.

Browse the portal and check out more information about colectomy and other treatments and exams performed in cases of colon cancer.

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