Home » Ileostomy: understand what it is and what care is necessary

Ileostomy: understand what it is and what care is necessary

by Guilherme Sauniti

Have you ever heard of ileostomy? 

It is a surgical procedure that may seem unknown to many, but it has a significant impact on the lives of various people. 

If you are looking to better understand what ileostomy is and what care is necessary, you are in the right place!

In this article, we will unravel the mysteries of this surgery and provide fundamental information for those who live or live with ileostomy. 

We will cover everything from the procedure itself to the essential care to ensure a healthy and comfortable life after surgery.

If you want to understand more about ileostomy, a surgical procedure that creates an opening in the abdomen for the elimination of feces, its benefits, and how to properly care for this condition, keep reading this article! 

If you have to do, or have already done this surgery, find out everything you need to know about ileostomy.

What is ileostomy?

Ileostomy is a surgical procedure that involves creating an artificial opening called a stoma in the abdomen, through which the small intestine is connected to the surface of the skin.

This opening allows the elimination of intestinal content directly outside the body, in a special collector device.

The need for an ileostomy may arise in situations where part of the large intestine of the rectum or small intestine needs to be removed due to diseases, such as colorectal cancer, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or traumatic injuries. 

In these cases, ileostomy is performed to allow waste from the digestive system to be safely eliminated.

Although ileostomy may seem scary or uncomfortable, it can bring a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients facing severe intestinal conditions. 

With advances in medicine and medical devices, ileostomy bag collection systems have become safer, more discreet, and easier to manage, allowing patients to resume their daily activities with confidence.

How is ileostomy surgery performed?

The surgical procedure begins with the administration of general anesthesia, ensuring that the patient is comfortable and pain-free throughout the process. 

Next, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen. Evaluates the type of surgery necessary for the case (tumors, hernias, or other conditions) and then, deciding that ileostomy is necessary, accesses the small intestine and locates a part further to the end of this, called the ileum, responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

At this point, the ileum is opened and brought to the surface of the skin, creating the stoma.

The stoma is fixed to the skin and is covered by a collector bag, which is specially designed to fit comfortably and adhere to the skin around the stoma. 

After the completion of the ileostomy, the surgeon carefully checks the stoma and the collector bag to ensure that there are no leaks and that everything is working correctly. 

The patient is then taken to recovery, where the medical team will provide the necessary instructions to care for the stoma and the collector bag.

In most cases, ileostomy is temporary, and after the improvement of the condition that led to the need to perform it, it can be safely closed, leading the patient to his usual life.

Necessary care with ileostomy

To ensure the comfort and health of the patient, it is essential to adopt some specific care after performing ileostomy surgery.

Proper hygiene of the stoma and surrounding skin is fundamental. 

Use gentle and non-irritating products to clean the area, and be aware of any signs of changes, communicating to the doctor immediately.

The choice of the collector bag is also crucial for the patient’s well-being.

Check the correct fit of the bag, empty it regularly, and follow the medical instructions for proper replacement.

It is essential to maintain regular medical follow-up to monitor overall health and receive specific guidance on ileostomy. 

The doctor will be able to answer questions, provide updated information, and help deal with possible complications.

Remember that each patient is unique and needs may vary. 

Correctly following medical guidelines and being attentive to your own body are important measures for a normal and healthy life after ileostomy.

Proper nutrition for those who have undergone the procedure

Proper nutrition after the ileostomy procedure is essential to ensure the health and well-being of the patient.

With some simple habit changes, it is possible to follow a balanced and easy-to-maintain diet.

It is essential to consume easily digestible foods, such as cooked fruits, well-cooked vegetables, lean meats, fish, and eggs. 

Divide meals into smaller portions and chew food well. This will aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Drink plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration. Opt for water, natural juices, and teas, avoiding carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

Some people may need to avoid certain foods, such as spicy, spicy foods, and foods that produce gas, such as beans and cabbage.

It is necessary to follow proper nutritional guidance to obtain a personalized food plan that will meet your specific needs after ileostomy.

How to deal with changes in routine after surgery?

After surgery, it is natural to face changes in routine, requiring a period of adaptation to ensure successful recovery. 

The key to dealing with these changes lies in adopting a balanced approach, composed of physical and emotional care. 

Initially, it is essential to strictly follow medical guidelines, respecting rest times, prescribed medications, and physiotherapy sessions. 

In addition, it is essential to promote healthy eating, with adequate nutrients to accelerate healing and strengthen the immune system. 

At the same time, it is essential to take care of emotional well-being, seeking family and friends’ support, as well as exploring complementary therapies, such as meditation and relaxation, for example. 

It is important to be patient with yourself during this transition period, maintaining a positive attitude and seeking a gradual return to daily activities. 

This recovery journey will provide an opportunity for personal growth and a rebirth of healthy habits, leading to improved quality of life and a better relationship with yourself after surgery.


Ileostomy, a surgery that creates an opening in the abdomen for the elimination of feces, plays a vital role in the treatment of severe intestinal diseases, and most of the time is temporary.

However, caring for an ileostomy requires specific attention and knowledge. 

It is essential to adopt rigorous hygiene measures, such as regular cleaning of the collector bag, to avoid infections and unwanted leaks. 

In addition, a balanced diet and nutritional follow-up are fundamental to avoid complications and maintain an adequate general state of health.

Also, remember to seek emotional and educational support to face lifestyle changes and adapt to the new reality. 

With proper care, it is possible to live a full and healthy life after an ileostomy.

Image by brgfx on Freepik

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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