Home » Gastrostomy


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What is Gastrostomy?

Gastrostomy is a medical procedure in which an opening is created in the stomach to allow direct feeding. It is usually indicated when an individual is unable to feed properly through the mouth due to swallowing problems or other medical conditions.

How does it occur?

During the procedure, an opening is created in the abdomen and stomach, through which a feeding tube is inserted. This tube is then connected to a feeding bag or a feeding pump to provide the necessary nutrients directly into the stomach.

When is it necessary?

Gastrostomy is indicated in situations where the patient is unable to feed adequately through the mouth or has difficulties in the swallowing process. Some of the common reasons for performing gastrostomy include:

  • Neuromuscular disorders, such as cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or stroke, which can compromise the ability to swallow.
  • Injuries or diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, such as esophageal cancer, esophageal stenosis, or esophageal fistulas.
  • Severe malnutrition or significant weight loss due to medical conditions.
  • Individuals with head and neck cancer who are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and who may have difficulty feeding normally.
  • Patients with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, who cannot ingest an adequate amount of nutrients orally.

How is the procedure done?

Gastrostomy can be performed by different methods, depending on the patient’s needs. Some of the common methods include:

  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG): In this procedure, a tube is inserted into the stomach through the abdominal wall using endoscopic guidance. It is a minimally invasive technique and widely used.
  • Surgical gastrostomy: In more complex cases, a surgical approach may be necessary to create the opening in the stomach and insert the feeding tube.

What are the necessary care after gastrostomy?

After performing gastrostomy, it is essential to follow medical guidelines to ensure proper care of the tube and prevent complications. Some common care includes:

  • Proper cleaning and hygiene of the area around the tube.
  • Correct administration of medications and feeding through the tube, according to medical instructions.
  • Regular monitoring of the tube’s position and functioning, as well as possible signs of infection or complications.
  • Regular medical follow-up to assess the effectiveness of the procedure and make any necessary adjustments.

It is crucial that patients and caregivers receive detailed instructions on how to administer feeding and perform proper maintenance of the gastrostomy tube.

Gastrostomy is a procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life and nutrition of patients who are unable to feed adequately through the mouth. It is important that the decision to perform gastrostomy is made in conjunction with a specialized medical team, considering the benefits and possible complications of the procedure.

It is important to emphasize that gastrostomy is an invasive procedure and should be performed by qualified health professionals. Each case is unique, and treatment should be individualized according to the needs and conditions of the patient.

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