Home » Colonoscopy Diet: Discover the Allowed and Forbidden Foods

Colonoscopy Diet: Discover the Allowed and Forbidden Foods

by Guilherme Sauniti


That colonoscopy is a fundamental examination to evaluate the large intestine and the final part of the small intestine is no mystery to anyone. But did you know that before the examination it is essential to take certain care with a colonoscopy diet?


If you didn’t know, know that this care is the first step to the perfect realization of this exam so important for our health.

And if you are about to take this exam and want to prepare in the best possible way, we will present in this content an easy and very practical guide on the foods that are essential for the assembly of a correct diet.

Shall we go?

Allowed foods during a colonoscopy diet

Since the exam aims to verify the existence of mainly alterations in the large intestine, being with a clean organism is the main requirement for a good exam. Thus the appropriate diet for colonoscopy is a diet composed of easily digestible foods such as liquids and light foods.

And as the goal is to be with a clean and prepared organism for the procedure, hydrating a lot and opting for light foods and in liquid or pasty form are the best diet option.

Check out the suggestions…

  • Coconut water;
  • Teas;
  • Juices;
  • Blended soups;
  • Water and salt cracker;
  • Cornstarch cracker.

About this intake of liquids, a point that cannot be forgotten is that even though a more constant hydration is necessary, it is not allowed to consume drinks in purple or red colors, as they can be confused with some bleeding at the time of the exam.

Therefore, not paying attention to details like these can waste all the effort. So follow our tips, ok?

Prohibited foods during a colonoscopy diet

Eating a good dish is a real satisfaction for many people and giving up certain foods can be a very difficult task. Especially when it comes to following a stricter diet than the most known ones, as in the case of this exam.

And as you have already learned everything you can and even need to consume in your colonoscopy diet, how about now getting well informed about what cannot be consumed before the exam?

Look at this…

Of the foods we mentioned a little while ago, there are no foods rich in fiber, which are those foods with substances mainly derived from vegetables and that are resistant to the digestion process of the intestine.

Not having a good digestion before the process is something we don’t want, is it?

Therefore, among the main ones we highlight:

  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Meats and sausages;
  • Fruits;
  • Grains such as: rice, oats, barley, flaxseed, corn and wheat;
  • Dairy products such as: yogurt, milk, butter and cheeses;
  • Legumes such as: beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils;
  • Oily seeds such as: peanuts, chestnuts and walnuts;
  • Seeds such as: chia, sesame and flaxseed.

As these foods can directly interfere in the preparation process for colonoscopy, leaving residues and consequently making the examination difficult, they should be restricted as much as possible, aiming at a better preparation.

Tips to prepare adequately for a colonoscopy

Firstly, it is necessary to know that it is recommended to start the diet at least 2 to 3 days before the examination so that the feces are completely eliminated and the organism is clean, since the doctor needs to have a clear and complete view of the entire wall of the intestine.

And this elimination of feces occurs due to the presentation of increased evacuation originated by the use of laxatives, indicated to the patient, so that the exam can occur without any problem.

It is important to know that due to the use of these laxatives, more than fundamental for the cleaning of the organism, it is inevitable that there are more frequent diarrheas before the exam, for this reason the intake of liquids is so essential.

Ahh! You don’t need to worry, a semi-liquid diet is precisely to replace hydration, ok?

So, just follow this diet correctly 2 or 3 days before the exam and everything will be fine.

Importance of following an adequate diet before a colonoscopy

Following this small protocol is very important, as any failure can interfere with the result of the exam and we know that an incorrect diagnosis can harm our health.

Thinking of helping and making your colonoscopy diet even more pleasant, we have prepared a very cool menu that you can follow as a model and even use a little your creativity with these suggestions.


As breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day, start your daily diet by opting for a fruit juice, strained in a sieve and of light texture, accompanied by a French bread.

A second option for this meal would be to replace the French bread with water and salt crackers, which we mentioned earlier.


For lunch, we should follow the same reasoning with the use of lighter foods and to continue with this standard, we suggest as a menu a chicken or fish fillet, having as a side dish potato puree for example.

As a second lunch option, you can enjoy a plate of blended and strained soup of potato, carrot or chayote, preferably with a chicken or meat broth.


In your dinner you can repeat a plate of potato, carrot or even tomato soup without skin and without seeds, to vary, accompanied by a little white pasta.

As a second dinner option, a soup of peeled vegetables with potato or carrot, or even soup of carrot, or chayote with chicken broth.

If you have the habit of having a snack between the 3 main meals of the day that we listed, you can have as a snack option: a glass of coconut water, a cooked apple or pear, or even relax eating a delicious pineapple or passion fruit jelly.

After the exam is done, it is very common for some discomfort in the abdominal region, which should pass after a few hours of the exam.

In this return to normal life it is still valid to avoid heavier, fatty foods and those that cause gases, mainly foods like beans and the beloved soft drinks.

Remembering that each clinic or doctor who does colonoscopy can indicate different types of diet, based on their experiences. That’s why it’s important to receive and follow a script delivered by the place where you will take the exam, and where there is a contact for you to be able to ask any questions.

Visiting our doctor regularly and taking several exams is more than fundamental for the maintenance of our health, including, some exams need a more specific preparation like the one we talked about in this content.

Take advantage of this tip and come and learn much more.

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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