Home » What are colon diverticula? What do I need to know about them?

What are colon diverticula? What do I need to know about them?

by Guilherme Sauniti


One of the most important parts in a health care routine is the performance of specific exams. And much of this, due to the possible abnormalities that can be identified in these analyses.

Imaging exams such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, ultrasound and colonoscopy are widely used to ascertain various irregularities, and sometimes these exams can demonstrate the finding of colon diverticula.

Even with this different name than usual, this abnormality is quite common and with the aim of informing you of all the information on this topic, we have prepared very interesting content for you.

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Understanding colon diverticula

The colon diverticula are small bags or sacculations formed over time in the wall of the large intestine. Basically, they are anatomical abnormalities that occur due to the weakening of one of the layers of the intestinal wall.

The appearance of diverticula in the intestine is called diverticulosis or, as many call it, diverticular disease of the colon.

Causes and risk factors of colon diverticula

The main cause of the appearance of diverticula is still unknown to medicine, despite advances in the health area and constant research.

But even without a specific definition as to its origin, it is believed to be secondary to a weakness in the muscle layer of the large intestine (which provides bowel movement), which combined with factors that increase intraluminal pressure (from inside the intestine), lead the innermost layer of the colon to exit through the muscle layer, creating the sacculations seen externally in imaging exams.

The factors that determine muscle weakness can be related to age, the most common factor, or diseases that cause tissue degeneration, these are rarer.

As for the causes of increased pressure inside the intestine, they may be directly related to irregularities in the diet leading to constipation and even in the absence of a more active routine.

Among the irregularities we mentioned, stand out:

  • Poor fiber diet;
  • Excessive consumption of red meat;
  • Obesity;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Smoking;
  • Long-term use of anti-inflammatories.

Another reason that should be considered is family history. Just like in other pathologies, the genetic factor can also cause changes in the structure/wall of the large intestine.

The spasms known as involuntary muscle contractions, can also originate these diverticula, since occurring in the wall of the intestine, it can generate protrusion in weak points in places of the intestine.

The fact is that even with all these possible causes, there is still no consensus on the causative source and it continues to be studied.

Symptoms of colon diverticula

When we feel something different in our body, it indicates that something is wrong with us, right?

And most of the time we notice these changes in our body through unusual abnormalities that we visualize on a daily basis, such as headaches, fever, etc.

In the case of diverticulosis, there is no specific symptom, and for this reason, its diagnosis is not always confirmed only by these changes. But some symptoms are common to other diseases, such as:

  • Change in bowel habit or routine;
  • Abdominal discomfort;
  • Flatulence;
  • Bleeding.

If we stop a little to think, all these symptoms are characteristic of gastrointestinal diseases, aren’t they?

However, the correct thing is to seek the doctor at any sign of irregularity in our body, since only the opinion of a specialist can bring us security.

Diagnosis of colon diverticula

Visiting the doctor regularly is the best way to take care of health and consequently prevent us from something more serious, especially in the case of colon diverticula, when there is no symptom that characterizes them.

As the symptoms are very similar to other health problems and related or not to the gastrointestinal system, as we have already talked about here, some exams are essential for confirmation, like the two highlighted below.


It is the main exam for the diagnosis of diverticulosis, as it directly evaluates the large intestine, visualizing the diverticula.

Computed Tomography / Ultrasound / Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Normally used to evaluate other abdominal conditions or diseases, they indirectly identify the presence of diverticula.

Complications of Colon Diverticula

As we have seen, diverticula are basically an anatomical alteration of the large intestine, however, this alteration can facilitate some complications, the two most common being diverticulitis and rectal bleeding.

In diverticulitis, there is an accumulation of residues inside the diverticulum, which generate a local inflammation and infection of the intestinal wall at this location.

As the diverticulum is formed by the herniation (exit) of the mucosal layer through the muscle layer of the intestine, there is a greater chance of injury to the vessels at this location, generating significant bleeding, characterized as rectal bleeding.

Treatment options for colon diverticula

The truth is that diverticula have no treatment.

What is proposed is the control of changes that can promote the increase of this condition, mainly with the control of constipation.

Prevention of colon diverticula

The best way to prevent any health problem is undoubtedly information and correct knowledge of diseases.

In the case of diverticula that originate in the region of the large intestine, the ideal is to establish and follow a healthy diet, followed by an active routine of regular physical activities and without stress.

Opting for less seasoned foods, combined with frequent hydration and accompanied by daily physical activities, will minimize not only the incidence of this problem that affects many Brazilians, but also will prevent other diseases

A balanced diet also helps!

Look at the fundamental foods for this diet…

  • Fibers;
  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Greens.

Do not fail to consider this change in your life, as they are small actions that can completely change your story.

After learning a lot of important information about the symptoms, diagnosis and most appropriate control of colon diverticula, we understand that access to safe information helps us in the best decision making.

However, having access to safe information is not so easy amid so many fake news distributed on the internet every minute, is it true?

That’s why Gastroblog is a reference when it comes to credibility in providing content that needs no comments when it comes to safety and responsibility with people seeking knowledge.

It’s the ideal place for you who like safe guidance from the best professionals on issues related to the health of the gastrointestinal system.

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A hug.

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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