Hiatal hernia can cause pain and reflux. Follow the main information on the subject and see how the treatment is done. What is a hiatal hernia? There is a small …
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Residência em Endoscopia Digestiva no Hospital das Clínicas da USP (HCFMUSP)
Residência em Gastroenterologia no Hospital Universitário da UFSC
Presidente da SOBED / SC na gestão 2018-2020
Médico da clínica Endogastro em Florianópolis e ProGastro em Joinville
Hiatal hernia can cause pain and reflux. Follow the main information on the subject and see how the treatment is done. What is a hiatal hernia? There is a small …
The difficulty in swallowing, or dysphagia, is a condition that can affect people of all ages. Understand the issue better and see what the treatment is like. What is difficulty …
Intestinal constipation, also called constipation, refers to the difficulty or absence of bowel movements. Understand better how the problem occurs and see what to do to avoid it. What is …
Colectomy as a treatment for colon cancer is considered a major surgery as it involves the removal of part of the large intestine. Follow the main information about the procedure. …
Gastritis is a type of inflammation in the stomach lining that causes a lot of pain and burning, and can progress to more severe symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and …
When inflamed (or infected), the appendix tends to cause severe pain (among other symptoms) and problems that can lead to acute appendicitis. What is appendicitis? Appendicitis is a condition resulting …
Capsule endoscopy uses a small wireless camera to capture images of your gastrointestinal tract. The camera used for the procedure is located in a small capsule shaped like a pill. …
Colonoscopy is a screening test, usually done under sedation. It is used to detect potential health issues in the colon, such as polyps and colorectal cancer. What you eat and …
Intestinal Stricture Intestinal stricture is the partial or total narrowing of the large intestine (or rarely the small intestine) that prevents the progression of content through it. Intestinal stricture can …
Polypectomy is an essential medical procedure when it comes to the removal of polyps, small protrusions or growths that form in some parts of the body, such as the intestine …
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