Home » Appendectomy: everything you need to know about appendicitis surgery

Appendectomy: everything you need to know about appendicitis surgery

by Guilherme Sauniti

Taking care of health has never been as important as it is today, especially when we talk about the digestive system, a system greatly affected by a lifestyle without moderation.

If you have already gone through, are about to go through this surgery or just want to acquire more knowledge to stay on top of the subject, rest assured because you are in the right place.

We have prepared a complete content for you to know everything you need to know and the most important information about appendix surgery.

Join us…

What is appendectomy and when is it necessary?

The appendectomy or appendix surgery is a surgical procedure that consists of the removal of the appendix which, most of the time, is caused by inflammation or infection.

First of all, it is necessary to know that the appendix is an organ similar to a small bag located on the right side of the lower part of the large intestine (cecum), not being essential for the organism.

However, even though it is not so necessary, its inflammation can cause serious health problems. That’s why in these cases of inflammation or infection, the appendectomy is necessary, which is the removal of the cecal or vermicular appendix.

Of course, the surgery can be done for other reasons also related to some intestinal problem. But the main factor is still inflammations or infections, usually caused by the accumulation of feces inside the organ.

Know some of the most common symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • abdominal pain (one of the first symptoms);
  • fever;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • nausea, followed by vomiting;
  • loss of appetite.

Now that you know a little more about appendix surgery, shall we take a new step in deepening?

So let’s go there that we have a lot of cool things to see…

How is appendix surgery performed?

Appendectomy is a surgical process that, to be performed, follows some steps, as in other types of surgery, but has some peculiarities.

Shall we see a brief summary of the process?

First step

As in other operations, everything starts with the application of anesthesia, which can be general or regional (spinal).

To leave no doubts, general anesthesia is the one that leaves the patient completely asleep and without any consciousness, usually used exactly in surgeries of the abdomen, brain and heart.

Regional or block anesthesia is simpler and is the one where anesthesia is applied only to the part of the body that will be operated on, with the patient being able to stay awake or not.

Second step

After the patient is anesthetized, the incision or cut is made exactly in the direction of the organ, in the region of the iliac fossa, that is, the lowest part of the abdomen on the right, this incision being approximately 12 mm, with opening of the skin and muscles of the place, accessing the abdominal cavity, location of the appendix and its apprehension, to then start its removal.

This moment is the preparation for the removal of the appendix, where the vessels are sectioned, and the appendix is then removed.

Third step

After the removal of the appendix, an instrument similar to a stapler is used to close the place of its removal in the intestine (cecum).

Finally, a cleaning of the appendix site is performed, to remove fluids and secretions, closure of the muscles and skin, ending the surgery.

Remember that this surgery can also be performed by laparoscopy (with cameras), with slight changes, but maintaining the same sequence described.

There are other actions that are done at this time, but we only tried to describe a basic summary of how the surgery is performed.

Don’t worry. This surgery is a simple, safe procedure with low rates of serious complications.

No stress, okay?

What are the risks and complications of appendectomy?

As in any other surgical procedure, in appendectomy some risks and some complications can happen shortly after its performance, the most common type being the opening of surgical points and skin infections.

However, other irregularities may appear, such as: abscesses, fistula, hemorrhage and peritonitis.

Learn a little more about them…


This is the appearance or a small accumulation of pus that, most of the time, is a natural result of bacterial infections. However, the appearance of pus can also represent another skin or skin disease.


The fistula is an irregular communication between two parts of the body that, normally, do not communicate, for example between the intestine where the appendix was removed and the skin of the abdomen. It is basically an anomaly resulting from the surgery, and usually its correction also requires another surgery


Hemorrhage is a loss of blood caused by the place of the opening for the surgery, generally with little gravity and simpler resolution.


Peritonitis is an inflammation of the residual tissue of the appendix, which spreads through the abdominal cavity, which can also be corrected with the appropriate medications.

What is the postoperative period of appendix surgery like?

In the postoperative period of appendix surgery, some pains and even bruises may appear at the site of the abdominal cut immediately or in the first days after the operation, which can be contained with the use of analgesics prescribed by the specialist doctor.

A good news is that the patient can be released to leave the hospital up to 24 hours after the operation, but even receiving the long-awaited hospital discharge, certain care must be taken.

And the main one is to obey the recovery period which, in these cases, can be a little longer, even more for more rigorous activities that require physical effort.

So, double attention at this time, ok?

What are the precautions and necessary care after appendectomy?

The care after any medical procedure, in most cases, are the same and concern the gradual return to daily life.

That’s right what you read.

Returning to normal life after this surgery will depend a lot on the conscious behavior of the patient, who must strictly follow some of the care listed below:

  • moderate rest in the first weeks;
  • treat the wound for quick healing;
  • drink plenty of water and light liquids like teas;
  • ahealthy and balanced diet;
  • avoid physical exercises, except by doctor’s indication;
  • be aware of signs of inflammation such as sudden fever.

Knowing this and following these guidelines, recovery will be quick and without major problems.


It’s amazing to learn more about our body and discover how such a small organ has such importance for our survival and sometimes even needs a surgery like appendectomy, isn’t it?

And good that you got here, because we always have news on our site. So, keep following our posts that we always have a surprise for you.

See you soon!

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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