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What to eat after a colonoscopy?

by Felipe Paludo Salles

Many people have doubts about how to proceed and what to eat after a colonoscopy exam. Follow this and other information about the exam here on EndoBlog.

What is a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is an examination performed on the colon (large intestine) and the terminal ileum. In addition to identifying abnormalities in the intestinal mucosa, colonoscopy also enables the collection of material for biopsies – widely used in the diagnosis of diseases.

In other words, endoscopy can be considered a preliminary examination used to identify possible abnormalities in the colon (such as cancer and polyps) and is done under patient sedation.

What are the main precautions I need to take?

When undergoing a colonoscopy, some precautions must be taken to ensure the exam is performed properly. It is essential to follow all the doctor’s recommendations for intestinal preparation in the days preceding the exam, following a specific diet and using laxatives (if necessary and prescribed).


What should I eat after a colonoscopy?

After a colonoscopy, it is necessary to be careful with food consumption. Moreover, the diet preceding the exam tends to dehydrate the body, so it is important to replenish fluids and electrolytes. In this case, the doctor will know how to guide what to eat after a colonoscopy.

Depending on each case, the health professional may indicate that the intake of solid foods should be more moderate, even after a few hours from the procedure. Furthermore, it is advisable for the patient to drink plenty of fluids and prioritize an easy-to-digest diet.

But there is no reason to worry. The main dietary concerns after a colonoscopy should occur for only one day. In any case, the patient should pay attention to the body’s signals and opt for light foods for a longer time if necessary.

Important: depending on the case, the doctor may recommend a low-residue diet. This means that the patient should moderate the amount of dairy and high-fiber foods (which are harder to digest and produce more stool).

A list of foods to be incorporated into the dietary routine one day after the colonoscopy includes:

  • water;
  • beverages with electrolytes;
  • saltine crackers;
  • soothing teas (such as chamomile);
  • grilled chicken;
  • gelatin;
  • yogurt;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • white bread or toast;
  • soft white fish;
  • mashed potatoes or baked potatoes;
  • soup;
  • fruit juice;
  • tender cooked vegetables.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I feel after the exam?

A sedative is administered during the exam and can cause effects on the body for up to 24 hours, causing the patient to feel tired, have difficulty concentrating, and generally feel drowsy.

Therefore, it is recommended that the patient take the day off and rest. Moreover, it is advised:

  • not to take painkillers or tranquilizers in the first 24 hours;
  • not to drive or operate heavy machinery;
  • to avoid alcohol consumption;
  • not to make important decisions, such as signing a contract.

Learn all about colonoscopy through EndoBlog

Through EndoBlog, it is possible to access all information about colonoscopy – how to prepare, what to expect from the exam, and answers to the main questions. Follow the blog to get first-hand access to published articles and take the opportunity to learn about other topics related to the entire digestive system.

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