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How do I prepare for an endoscopy?

by Felipe Paludo Salles

Endoscopy is a very important examination. It is necessary for the patient to undergo a preparation procedure so that everything goes smoothly. Follow the main information on the subject.

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What is endoscopy and what is it for?

Basically, endoscopy is an examination that uses a camera guided by a cable, which is inserted through the digestive tract to access the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (the upper part of the small intestine).

What it’s for

Endoscopy is usually indicated by the doctor for patients who are showing certain symptoms, such as difficulty (or pain) swallowing, localized stomach pain, vomiting, heartburn, or discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the main pathologies that the endoscopy exam can identify are: gastritis, reflux, ulcers, infectious diseases, polyps, tumors, and cancer at different stages.

How is endoscopy performed?

During the examination, the flexible tube (to which the camera is attached) is introduced through the patient’s mouth and transmits images of the entire path traveled, so that the health professional can detect any abnormalities.

It is a procedure that tends to cause discomfort in the patient, so the use of anesthetics may be necessary, ranging from throat spray to sedation, depending on the case.

In upper digestive endoscopy, the procedure can last up to 20 minutes. In more severe cases, or when there is a need to remove material for biopsy, the process can last up to half an hour.

How do I prepare for endoscopy?

To prepare for endoscopy, it is necessary to follow all the instructions given by the doctor. In most cases, the patient must not eat solid foods for up to 12 hours before the endoscopy. On the other hand, water consumption is allowed up to four hours before the procedure.

Important: the doctor must be informed about any medication the patient is taking. It is also important to make them aware of allergies and other health conditions, as it may be necessary to stop certain medications (especially anticoagulants and antiplatelets).

Furthermore, it is essential to request that a companion be present to take the patient back home after the procedure.

What to do after the exam?

Many people take sedatives to undergo endoscopy, so they cannot drive or operate machinery after the exam. It is also important that they return home by car (and not by motorcycle, as there is a risk of falling).

It is important to note that the throat may be slightly irritated or even numb, and the patient may feel a slight discomfort in the stomach. Other common signs are nasal congestion and sneezing. In all cases, there is no cause for concern.


There is no contraindication for performing endoscopy. However, patients with neurological, cardiac, or respiratory problems should inform the doctor so that the procedure can be performed appropriately.

Endoscopy: follow the main information about the exam on EndoBlog

EndoBlog is a portal that gathers various information about endoscopy and other exams performed throughout the digestive system. Follow the blog to have access to all materials for free and with the certainty of being in front of data conveyed by health professionals.

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