Home » Living with Crohn’s Disease: Practical Tips to Improve Quality of Life

Living with Crohn’s Disease: Practical Tips to Improve Quality of Life

by Guilherme Sauniti

The intestine is one of the most important organs in our body, mainly because it has a vital function for the organism, which is the absorption of most of the nutrients we ingest in our meals.

Because of this detail, paying special attention to the intestine and taking certain precautions is more than necessary to alleviate various diseases, including inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease.

This disease affects a small portion of patients, but leads to significant changes in their quality of life. Therefore, knowing how to live with this pathology and maintaining health has been one of the pursuits of those affected by this disease.

Aiming to help these patients, we have prepared this small guide with extremely valuable tips to help you have a normal and quality life.

What is Crohn’s disease?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammation present in the lining of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is an autoimmune disease, meaning that due to some still unknown miscontrol of the immune system, it ends up producing a reaction that leads to the characteristic inflammation of the disease.

It is considered a transmural inflammation, which extends through all layers of the intestinal wall, leading to complications such as: abscesses, stenoses, and fistulas.

It can occur anywhere in the intestine, however, it is more common in the colon and distal ileum.

Despite this information, this disease is still largely unknown by the general population, however, the scientific community has intensified research due to the increase in cases, sparing no effort to find a solution.

A widely reported fact is that it is a disease without a cure, however, with the necessary care, a person can have a normal and healthy life, with excellent disease control.

Symptoms and complications of Crohn’s disease

The symptoms of typical gastrointestinal diseases have the same characteristics, and this is one of the reasons that delay a precise and definitive diagnosis.

Among the most common symptoms are…

  • Fatigue;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Weight loss;
  • Anemia.

In many cases, many people do not even show some of the listed symptoms, and this can happen at any stage of life.

On the other hand, some people may present more complications with the onset of more severe and chronic symptoms throughout their lives.

Treatment options for Crohn’s disease

As we mentioned earlier, Crohn’s disease is a disease that has no cure, and the usual treatment is continuous medication used in chronic diseases, such as the measures described below.

  • Antibiotics
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Immunosuppressants;
  • Biologics
  • Vitamins.

Just like in other chronic diseases that require the use of permanent medications, if therapy is not effective, surgery may be requested by the gastroenterologist.

Another important fact is that patients with this disease need to undergo regular exams to check for the possible presence of colorectal cancer, due to the probability of developing it in the long term (i.e., after many years of the disease).

Diet and nutrition tips for controlling Crohn’s disease

A fundamental item for precise control of Crohn’s disease is the area of nutrition, which plays a predominant role in maintaining quality of life.

Following a well-crafted diet with the right foods, in addition to helping the patient keep symptoms under control, can bring excellent benefits in various aspects of life.

Learn about some items for the ideal diet:

  • Hydration: Regular water intake is the foundation of every good diet;
  • Soluble fibers: Opt for foods rich in fibers, such as: avocado, oats, carrots, and apples;
  • Lean protein: healthy proteins, such as: Eggs, chicken breast, and fish, should be part of your list;
  • Supplementation: If necessary, add to your diet the intake of supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals, as it can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease.

It is extremely important to avoid foods that make you feel bad, such as heavier foods, like fried foods and fats.

Lifestyle modifications to improve quality of life with Crohn’s disease

A change of habit is always welcome, especially when we start to act in a healthier way.

It is not enough to strictly follow a more balanced diet, but also to opt for a less stressful routine and composed of physical exercises.

Regular and relaxing physical activities, combined with a healthy diet, in addition to putting you on the track of balance, can gift you pleasant and invigorating moments.

Do not forget about this, a healthy routine is fundamental for a long and healthier life.

Stress control techniques for individuals with Crohn’s disease

As one of the goals is to improve quality of life, avoiding or reducing stress should be a permanent goal when diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

It is not easy to maintain good humor and overlook the circumstances of the symptoms, especially in the workplace and public places, so some techniques can be very helpful.

Among them, the following stand out…

  • Try to sleep 8 hours a day;
  • Do daily physical activities;
  • Time management;
  • Meditation;
  • Always talk to someone.

These actions help to absorb the impacts of the disease.

Coping strategies to deal with flare-ups and setbacks

As mentioned, talking to someone is a good help, since healthy relationships assist in the process of living with the disease.

In times of so much uncertainty there are moments of concern, so having safe support strategies for these moments can be an escape for setbacks.

Avoiding harmful attitudes, those related to the intake of alcoholic beverages and consumption of spicy and carbonated foods is the main strategy to inhibit symptoms.

Opting for lighter foods and regular hydration will prevent the persistence of symptoms.

Support groups and resources for people with Crohn’s disease

Having the support of groups with doctors, nutritionists, and psychologists is essential, as the exchange of experiences creates affinity among those affected by the disease.

This interaction promotes maturity in dealing with the reactions caused by the disease, as well as, this sharing of ideas, contributes to the confrontation of fears that arise on this journey.

This helps you prepare for the disease and gives you much more knowledge.

With this information, you can take the first steps safely to minimize the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and even achieve the much-desired quality of life in the short term.

And for you to always have information at hand to help you achieve this goal, Gastroblog can help you.

Specialized in digestive system health, this site has incredible content provided by renowned professionals when it comes to the digestive system and with the most modern in the scientific community.

Take advantage of this extra tip and do not miss out on achieving the quality of life you so desire.

See you next time.

Image by Silvia from Pixabay

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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