Home » Intestinal constipation or constipation: Everything you need to know!

Intestinal constipation or constipation: Everything you need to know!

by Guilherme Sauniti

Being in good health helps people not only to avoid the risks of developing various diseases, but also to increase their self-esteem, productivity and happiness.

Intestinal constipation or constipation is a problem responsible for causing great discomfort to several individuals, even hindering simple daily activities.

Knowing this, this post was developed so that you know everything about intestinal constipation or constipation, including its symptoms, how to detect them and what treatments are available.

Do you know what intestinal constipation or constipation is?

Intestinal constipation, better known as constipation, is an intestinal disorder caused by factors such as insufficient fiber in the body, low fluid intake, sedentary lifestyle, excess animal protein and poor bowel function.

This disease is characterized by difficulty in evacuating formed stools, resulting in several days or even weeks without the individual being able to evacuate.

Each person has a natural evacuation rhythm for their body, so some individuals can do this need up to three times a day while others do it three times a week, this is normal.

However, when this natural pattern is broken it results in an abnormal reduction of it, which is also accompanied by some symptoms such as intestinal pains, hardened stools, difficulty evacuating and even bleeding. This can light a warning signal.

The proper functioning of the intestine depends on some factors, such as water intake, ideal fiber consumption and physical activity.

High consumption of industrial origin foods can greatly harm your intestine and hinder fiber retention, as during the processing of these foods, fibers and proteins are often lost.

What symptoms are associated with constipation?

In addition to the deregulation of the number of times the individual can evacuate, constipation brings with it other symptoms that can vary from person to person.

Some symptoms are:

  • Bloating and pain in the abdomen area;
  • Feeling of unsuccessful evacuation;
  • Excess gas;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Irritability;
  • Malaise.

What types of treatment are recommended for intestinal constipation? 

As intestinal constipation is based on poor bowel function, its treatments are directed to improve the quality and health of the digestive system in order to allow evacuations to be done normally.

Diet is the main cause of constipation. Therefore, regularly consuming fiber-rich foods is an excellent way to prevent this disorder.

Here are some fiber-rich foods:

  • Vegetables: turnip, green corn, okra, tomato, radish, carrot, onion, beet, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, watercress, pumpkin and potato;
  • Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans, chickpeas and lentils;
  • Fruits: apple, papaya, pineapple, avocado, passion fruit, watermelon, strawberry, pear, peach, cherry, guava and kiwi; 
  • Whole flours, bran and grains: flaxseed, oats, rice, corn, wheat and barley;
  • Whole grains.

In more severe cases, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a specialized professional to perform appropriate procedures to treat this condition.

It is worth noting that the use of laxative medicines should be done with strict control and certified guidance.

However, there are foods with laxative properties that you can consume to treat constipation. As an example, it is worth mentioning fruits like papaya and plum, in addition to bran, green juices and supplements that contain fibers.

What causes constipation and how can it be avoided?

Constipation is caused by a combination of factors such as: lack of physical exercise, a diet poor in terms of fiber, little intake of fluids (like water) and high consumption of industrialized foods.

Intestinal constipation may be related to other diseases of the rectum and colon, such as hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, diverticulosis and anal fissures. In addition, the use of certain medications and the occurrence of metabolic and neurological changes can be a precursor to this problem.

Other possible causes of constipation are stress, depression and anxiety which can also cause interference in the individual’s intestinal habits.

To avoid the appearance of intestinal constipation you should adopt some habits such as:

Have a balanced diet

Having a balanced and healthy diet brings several benefits to our life, promoting health and well-being, in addition to contributing to maintaining good bowel function.

Drink plenty of fluids

Our body needs fluids to stay alive. Water assists in digestive processes and helps in fiber retention.

It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water every day so that our body is in full conditions to perform its functions.

Try to reduce stress

Recurrent stress can cause great damage to health, including in the intestine which can have its functioning altered, causing problems such as constipation, gastritis and others.

It is essential to look for solutions that help reduce stress such as reading, meditation, changing the environment and practicing physical activities.

Practice physical exercises

Physical exercises are responsible for improving intestinal motility, reducing the chances of problems like constipation.

Do not take laxatives without medical supervision

Continuous use of laxatives, even more without medical supervision, can harm your health, resulting in problems like intestinal constipation.

Which health professional should you consult if you have frequent digestive problems? 

The diagnosis and referral of treatments for digestive problems should only be done by duly qualified doctors.

The coloproctologist is a professional specialized in diagnosing and treating not only intestinal constipation but also diseases of the large intestine, anus and colon.

He is qualified to perform exams such as endoanal ultrasonography, rectosigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.


Intestinal constipation or constipation is a problem that has some causes such as the lack of adequate fiber consumption. 

In addition, constipation brings with it some symptoms that can be alleviated and prevented with the adoption of some habits in the person’s life.

Photo: Image by jcomp on Freepik

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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