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Excessive flatulence: Know the main causes and treatments

by Guilherme Sauniti

Intestinal problems are common and are among the most unpleasant symptoms a person can face at some point. The causes are numerous and really should receive due care, especially when it comes to the digestive system that should have our special attention.

One of the symptoms, for example, totally linked to our daily habits is excessive flatulence, which as we can understand is the increase in gases that we eliminate as a result of the incomplete digestive process.

Excessive flatulence can affect quality of life and have embarrassing consequences. Learn more about the main causes and treatments to reduce the problem.

Excessive flatulence

Firstly, flatulence is the elimination of gases coming from the intestine through the rectum, as a result of the digestion process and also of the gases swallowed while we eat or speak, being one of the natural functions of the human body. However, the indication of some irregularity is exactly its high frequency.

According to data from a detailed survey conducted by an American gastroenterology magazine, it is normal for a person in good health to eliminate between 500 to 1400 ml of gas per day, that is, a number around a maximum of 20 eliminations.

We emphasize that certain variations of these data may occur, as it is necessary to consider each circumstance in which the person who is feeling the symptoms is located.

The excess is precisely found when these eliminations exceed this reference number, adding, still, discomfort such as colic and pains in the abdominal region, that well-known feeling of a full belly, originated by the concentration of gases.

The most important thing in these cases is to understand that, initially, this suggests some small irregularity caused by a deregulated diet, not a serious health problem, however, some care should be taken from then on.

Now, let’s delve a little deeper into the subject, seeing its causes and how we can treat this symptom.

Why does excessive flatulence occur?

Basically, common flatulence arises when foods, mainly carbohydrates, are not completely broken down in the passage through the stomach during metabolism, which is the digestion process.

In short, it is when digestion does not occur in its entirety, with the effective breakdown of consumed foods.

Excessive flatulence, as already mentioned, is the significant increase in these gases that, in addition to discomfort in the abdomen region, unfortunately causes certain embarrassment, especially if it occurs in a public environment.

Main causes of flatulence

The causes of excessive flatulence are specific and are directly linked to 3 factors: diet, sedentary lifestyle and gastrointestinal problems.

Notice how small details, within these 3 items, directly influence the onset of the symptom.


Even foods labeled as healthy can cause excessive flatulence. We list below some of the foods that most provoke this excess of gases.

See some of the foods that most provoke flatulence:

  • fresh or dried fruits: plum, raisins, apple and pear;
  • dairy products: milk and derivatives;
  • vegetables: broccoli, onion, carrot, kale and cabbage;
  • legumes: peas, beans, lentils;
  • carbonated drinks: sparkling water, sodas and beers.

In everyday life, especially at meal times, most people have some natural habits that also provoke flatulence, such as:

  • aerophagia: it is about swallowing air when eating, drinking, laughing and even while talking;
  • ingesting huge amounts of food at once. (We heard from the elders: Eat slowly!);
  • and the most famous of the mistakes we make when we eat, and that we don’t even realize, which is to chew food quickly and still with an open mouth.

If you are already a person who exercises regularly, being assiduous in the gym and consumes protein supplements, the famous whey protein, pay attention! Its consumption increases the production of gases.

A general tip, always recommended, is balance in food, after all, everything being consumed with awareness and in the right measure not only contributes, but improves our health over time.

Sedentary lifestyle

One of the great villains of 21st century health, sedentary lifestyle, is one of the provocateurs of excessive flatulence, because the lack of exercise makes the metabolism process slow, preventing the intestine from maintaining its normal flow, consequently, causing the accumulation of gases.

Therefore, even if you are not yet an adept of exercises, start changing your habits, initially including some outdoor walks and, later, progressing to other exercises such as cycling or even attending a gym.

Start a new phase in your life and start today to include the pleasure of sport in your routine.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The most common intestinal changes are: intestinal constipation, inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s Disease), which diseases affect digestion and absorption, such as celiac disease and lactose intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome.

These can be silent, and maintaining a routine of regular consultations, followed by exams when necessary, is more than enough for a healthy life and without the risk of excess gases.

Pay attention to other signs that arise along with the excess of gases, such as heartburn, bloating, bad breath, nausea, burning, hiccups and vomiting, as they may indicate other changes and need to be carefully evaluated.

How to prevent or treat the problem?

The basic rules, both to prevent and to treat, are the same, that is, it is about the usual companion: balance.

It may seem cliché, but at first the ideal is hydration, with the intake of approximately 2 liters of water per day.

Another indispensable item is to maintain a diet rich in grains, fibers, fresh fruits and vegetables. This includes avoiding the exaggeration of some of the foods listed in this article.

Such actions can help you create the habit of having moderation in food.

In addition, having meals calmly and chewing food well are other well-known guidelines, however, not executed. If they are actually followed, you will be surprised in a short time.


Did you notice how sometimes we make mistakes daily, even in the simplest actions, like eating?

The important thing is that you can change from now on, put in order what is disordered and return to enjoy full health.

All the actions we have learned so far, added to a daily routine of physical activities, will put you back on track and, in addition, provide a healthier and longer life.


If you are new here and liked this content, stay with us as we will always bring information about diseases, symptoms and treatments, in a light and uncomplicated way.

Here your doubts will be answered and you will always find a novelty about prevention and the best treatments to assist in the maintenance of your gastrointestinal health.

We are here for you.

See you later.

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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