Home » Esophageal Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Esophageal Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

by Felipe Paludo Salles

Esophageal cancer develops in the cells lining the walls of the esophagus. Get relevant information about the disease here at EndoBlog.

The esophagus is part of the digestive system and can be understood as the tube that connects the pharynx (throat) to the stomach.

Everything you eat passes through the esophagus to reach the stomach. To do this, the body performs involuntary movements, also called peristaltic movements, which are basically rhythmic muscle contractions of the esophageal walls.

What causes cancer in the esophagus?

In most cases of esophageal cancer, the causes are not known. On the other hand, there are some risk factors that medicine believes to be determinants for the risk of developing the disease.

One of the major risk factors is the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, which can lead to esophageal cancer by damaging the cells present in the walls lining the esophagus.

The injuries caused to the lining of the organ, when constant, can cause damage to the DNA. In addition to smoking and alcoholism, other conditions that lead to injuries are Barrett’s esophagus, Plummer-Vinson syndrome, achalasia, and the scarring process after ingestion of caustic soda.
Signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer 

The main signs that a patient may have esophageal cancer are:
chest pain, more specifically in the central part of the chest;
difficulty swallowing, or dysphagia, a very common symptom in those with esophageal cancer. It is characterized by the sensation that food is stuck in the throat;
unexplained weight loss without the person being on any type of diet.

Other less common symptoms of esophageal cancer are:
loss of appetite;

Important: having the symptoms mentioned above does not mean that the individual has esophageal cancer, but it is essential to seek medical help to perform the necessary exams and clear the doubt. Look for a gastroenterologist.
Treatment of esophageal cancer 

Esophageal cancer is diagnosed after a series of tests, such as endoscopy, biopsy, and laboratory tests. If the disease is confirmed, the doctor will discuss the possible treatment options with the patient.

Today, there are different ways to approach the disease, depending on the stage and other specific characteristics. In general, treatments are divided into:
local treatments: local treatments attack the tumor without affecting the rest of the body too much. These therapies may include: radiotherapy, surgery, and endoscopic treatments;
systemic treatments: systemic therapies involve drug treatment, which is administered via the bloodstream or orally. Depending on the case, there are various types of medications that can be applied. These treatments involve immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.
Esophageal cancer: access all information at EndoBlog

In addition to conveying the main information about esophageal cancer, EndoBlog also informs the reader about the procedures that are necessary for the diagnosis of the disease, such as the endoscopy exam, and what else you need to know about the digestive system.

EndoBlog was conceived by the team of specialists from the Endoscopia Terapêutica portal to promote true and didactic knowledge about the digestive system, main diseases, diagnostic exams, and procedures to increase the quality of life of the patient.

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Read also: Intragastric Balloon | Dysphagia

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