Gastroenteritis is an infection that affects the digestive system, mainly in the small intestine region. Usually, a crisis lasts from 2 to 5 days. The condition can be triggered by…
Felipe Paludo Salles
Felipe Paludo Salles
Residência em Endoscopia Digestiva no Hospital das Clínicas da USP (HCFMUSP) Residência em Gastroenterologia no Hospital Universitário da UFSC Presidente da SOBED / SC na gestão 2018-2020 Médico da clínica Endogastro em Florianópolis e ProGastro em Joinville
Gastritis is caused by inflammation of the stomach’s inner lining. The main symptoms are intense pain, burning, and heartburn. However, vomiting and nausea can also occur. Learn what causes gastritis,…
Flatulence is the name given to the passage of gases from the intestine through the rectum. It is important to note that all people pass gas and air throughout the…
Fatty liver disease is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. Understand the disease and learn about the treatment. It is normal for the liver…
Reflux esophagitis is a condition caused by the inflammatory process of the esophagus, the tube responsible for transporting food from the throat to the stomach. This inflammatory process causes pain…
An ileostomy is a type of ostomy performed to create a connection between the small intestine and the abdominal wall, allowing feces and gases to be directly eliminated into a…
Severe or morbid obesity is extremely dangerous to physical and mental health, therefore gastric reduction surgery is an option for people in this situation who have not had results even…
A colostomy is a procedure performed to connect part of the large intestine to the abdominal wall. The main goal is to allow the exit of feces directly into a…
Bowel cancer (or colorectal) is one of the deadliest in Brazil, second only to breast and prostate cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca). It affects more than 40,000…
Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, ranks second in the most common tumors among women and third among men. Data from the National Cancer Institute (Inca) show that bowel…