Home » Appendicitis: How to recognize the signs of an inflamed appendix and when to seek medical help?

Appendicitis: How to recognize the signs of an inflamed appendix and when to seek medical help?

by Guilherme Sauniti

In this article, we will share in detail how to recognize the signs of an inflamed appendix and when it is crucial to seek medical help. The appendix, a small tube-shaped structure located in the colon, can become inflamed due to various causes, triggering the condition known as appendicitis. 

The symptoms can vary, but it is essential to be aware of common manifestations. In this context, understanding the indicators and acting promptly upon recognizing them is crucial to ensure health and well-being, highlighting the importance of seeking medical assistance immediately in the face of these symptoms.

What causes appendicitis?

This is an inflammatory condition of the appendix, usually triggered by an obstruction inside this small organ located in the colon. 

The obstruction can occur due to the presence of feces, hardened fecal material or, in some cases, viral infections, such as gastroenteritis

When the appendix becomes obstructed, the bacteria present inside begin to multiply, leading to inflammation and, eventually, appendicitis.

It is important to highlight that, although obstruction is often associated with the cause of the disease, in some cases, the condition can also be triggered by other factors, such as tumors or excessive growth of lymphoid tissue in the appendix.

Symptoms of an inflamed appendix

The symptoms of this condition reveal a combination of signs indicative of inflammation of the appendix. 

Abdominal pain in general is acute, starting near the navel, which over time moves to the lower right region of the abdomen, becoming stronger.

This pain, accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and fever, stands out as a fundamental indicator. 

Promptly recognizing these signs is essential to seek immediate medical help. Understanding the acute nature of these symptoms is necessary, allowing timely medical intervention and avoiding serious complications. 

Attention to the manifestation of these signs is, therefore, vital to preserve health in the face of a possible condition. 

Recognizing the signs of appendicitis in adults

In adults, it manifests with abdominal pain that increases over time, and localized, often starting as discomfort around the navel and later moving to the lower right side. 

The pain can increase rapidly and can be exacerbated by movements, coughing, or pressure on the affected area.

It is important to observe any other symptoms, such as fever, nausea, and loss of appetite.

The presence of these signs together can strengthen the suspicion of the disease, requiring urgent medical attention.

Recognizing the signs of appendicitis in children

Identifying the signs of this condition in children presents challenges, as little ones may have difficulty communicating the precise location of the pain. 

Irritability, refusal to eat, and diffuse abdominal pain are more common manifestations in this group. 

Parents should keep vigilance over possible changes in their children’s behavior, it being very important to communicate any concern to the doctor for an appropriate evaluation.

Promptness in recognizing these infant symptoms is essential, as inflammation in the appendix can evolve rapidly, and early detection can prevent complications. 

Thus, careful attention to these indications contributes to child health. 

When to seek medical help for an inflamed appendix

Seeking medical help immediately upon identifying signs is of utmost importance. 

Delay in seeking care can trigger serious complications, such as perforation of the appendix, significantly increasing the risk of peritonitis, a severe inflammation of the abdominal lining. 

Speed in seeking medical assistance is essential not only for effective treatment but also for the prevention of potentially serious complications. 

Therefore, recognizing the urgency of this condition and acting quickly upon noticing the symptoms is key to preserving health and preventing the worsening of the condition. 

Diagnosis of appendicitis

Diagnosis is a fundamental step, requiring a comprehensive approach to ensure accuracy. 

Health professionals perform a detailed assessment of symptoms which, along with thorough physical examinations, are the basis for a correct diagnosis. In some cases, additional tests, such as laboratory and imaging analyses, may be necessary.

Among the most used imaging methods, we have ultrasonography and computed tomography. 

Ultrasonography offers a detailed view of the abdominal area, allowing the detection of inflammatory signs. 

Computed tomography, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive analysis, revealing the precise condition of the appendix. 

These procedures, combined with clinical expertise, enable professionals to make accurate diagnoses.

By ensuring a complete understanding of the extent of inflammation, doctors can make informed decisions about treatment, optimizing patient recovery. 

Therefore, the combination of advanced diagnostic methods and clinical skills is essential to effectively address cases of appendicitis. 

Treatment options for an inflamed appendix

Appendectomy, a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the inflamed appendix, stands out as the standard treatment approach. 

This intervention is often performed urgently, aiming to prevent complications resulting from untreated inflammation. 

During the surgery, the inflamed appendix is removed to prevent rupture, which could lead to the spread of bacteria in the abdomen, resulting in peritonitis, a serious condition. 

It is worth noting that the removal of the appendix does not have significant impacts on the overall health of the individual, as this organ does not play an essential role in everyday bodily functions. 

Thus, appendectomy is considered an effective measure for the resolution of appendicitis, providing a generally quick recovery and without significant repercussions on the patient’s quality of life.

Complications of untreated appendicitis

Omission of intervention in the face of the situation can trigger the perforation of the appendix, facilitating the spread of bacteria in the abdominal cavity and instigating peritonitis.

This is a serious complication, characterizing a medical emergency that can result in substantial damage to abdominal organs, and in extreme cases, can be fatal. 

Seeking immediate medical assistance helps to stop the progression of the condition to more advanced stages.

In the same way, treatment, when started at an early stage, is fundamental not only to relieve symptoms but also to reduce the risk of serious complications associated with untreated inflammation. 

Thus, awareness of the importance of early intervention stands out as a determining factor in preserving health and preventing adverse outcomes resulting from untreated condition. 

In conclusion, it is essential to recognize the signs of an inflamed appendix and act immediately upon identifying them. Appendicitis is a condition that can evolve very quickly, requiring a search for medical assistance to avoid serious complications.

Awareness of the symptoms, both in adults and children, is fundamental to preserving health and ensuring timely medical intervention, not only to relieve symptoms but also for accurate diagnosis by health professionals.

Image by gpointstudio on Freepik

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Doutor em Gastroenterologia pela FM-USP.
Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (HCFMUSP), Endoscopia Digestiva (SOBED) e Gastroenterologia (FBG).
Professor do curso de Medicina da Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis - FEMA.
Médico da clínica Gastrosaúde de Marília.


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