Home » What to eat after a colonoscopy

What to eat after a colonoscopy

by Felipe Paludo Salles

Colonoscopy is a screening test, usually done under sedation. It is used to detect potential health issues in the colon, such as polyps and colorectal cancer.

What you eat and drink after the procedure is important. The preparations you made to get ready for the colonoscopy dehydrate you, so putting fluids and electrolytes back into the system is vital.

Your doctor may recommend that you eat lightly, or not at all, in the hours immediately following the procedure. For the rest of the day and the following day, you will be advised to drink plenty of fluids and eat light, easily digestible foods that will not irritate the colon.

These dietary precautions are usually required only for a day, but everyone is different. If your system can’t tolerate your usual diet right away, continue to eat soft foods and liquids for another day or two.

Your doctor may also recommend that you follow a light, low-residue diet immediately after the procedure. This consists of a limited amount of dairy, as well as low-fiber foods that are easy to digest and produce less stool.

Foods and drinks to consume the day after colonoscopy include:

  • electrolyte beverages
  • water
  • fruit juice
  • herbal tea
  • saltine crackers
  • soup
  • scrambled eggs
  • tender cooked vegetables
  • yogurt
  • gelatin
  • pudding
  • mashed or baked potato
  • white bread or toast
  • soft white fish
  • grilled chicken

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